Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Class #4 - Reflections, Insights, Learnings

Please post any reflections, insights, or learnings from Class #4, including 'Ask Your Wise Person', the coin toss, Intuition, Questions, Unending the Status Quo, re-integrating the Feminine, and anything else that's coming up for you!

Live-With 04: Ask Ripe Questions

Here we are! Already living with our 4th live-with.

Ask Ripe Questions
A ripe question is the right question at the right time. You know it when you ask it. You can feel it. You now have a number of questioning techniques to use, so play with them and see what you discover. You might even call this a play-with rather than a live-with!

Dumb Questions Aren’t So Dumb
Dumb questions are the questions you don’t ask. They’re the questions you’re afraid to ask because you fear the answer is obvious. Or because you think you’ll look silly for asking.
Dumb questions are the kind of naive, wonder-filled questions that a child isn’t afraid to ask. They’re penetrating questions because they often ignore the superficialities of a situation and go straight for the underlying meaning. As such, they serve as catalysts for creativity.

Get Acquainted with Questions
Once you start noticing the questions people ask every day, you’ll see how helpful a ‘ripe’ question can be. So start keeping a daily log of all the questions you hear this week. Analyze them. Ask yourself which questions are penetrating, powerful, dumb and insightful. Ask yourself which questions are limiting. Note what happens when either type of question is asked. By the end of the week, catch yourself every time you’re about to ask a question that is closed—because it’s aggressive, judgmental, or designed to show off your own knowledge. Then, either don’t ask the question or replace it with a really good ripe one.

Use questions to strategize with Allies about your Challenge
Think about your allies for your challenge. Who do you know that you could strategize with, asking powerful questions about where you are and where you are headed? Make time to sit down with them in person or by phone to actively dive into the unknown. See what comes up!
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
For three nights in a row, write down an important ‘ripe’ question immediately before you go to sleep. Mull it over carefully as you start to drift off. Give that question ample opportunity to work itself into your dreams. Creative solutions often manifest themselves in the dreams and visualizations that spring from your unconscious mind. What are your thoughts immediately upon awakening? Write down any dreams or follow-up thoughts you have. See if your creative Essence has answered you in your sleep.

Share what you discover here, with us!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Class #3 - Reflections, Insights, Learnings

We thoroughly enjoyed teaching class #3 last night. Thank you for the rich, insightful sharing.

Post any reflections, insights, learnings, questions you have about our class: The Airport Meditation, Crossing the Ravine, A Strength I See in You, or Tool #3 Mindful Presence

Pay Attention & Mindful Presence

Our live-with this week is, "Pay Attention!".

Often, we progress through our days on automatic pilot, as if sleepwalking through life. We become so familiar with our routine that it becomes just that – a routine, a series of unconscious habits. People and situations fit into neat little boxes that we know and understand; life happens as we glide through it. We don't challenge ourselves to call on our deep creativity, so it lies dormant.

What can you do instead? You can learn to Pay Attention. In other words, you can practice observing precisely – really paying attention to what’s inside and around you. It takes a continual, conscious, dedicated effort on your part.

One of the requirements of this week is to 'Change'...

Each day this week, do at least one thing differently from your normal routine. Go to bed at a different time. Wake up at a different time. Get to your work in a different way. Exercise at a different time of day than normal. Be warm and friendly to that person whom you can't stand and usually ignore. Try a new restaurant. Use a different type of pen. Wear a new pair of shoes. Speak up at work if you tend to be silent, or just sit and listen if you tend to talk a lot. Everything is fair game. The more entrenched the routine, the more interesting it is to change it. Don't try to think about the best way to change things. Just change things for no reason other than to change it. See how everything is new.

And, do try the color/shape walk. It's fun and will bring you very present:

Take a walk around your office or your neighborhood, or somewhere where this is a lot going on. Select a color and look for as many forms as possible that contain it. On the return trip, pick a second color and retrace your steps along the same street looking for the second color. Write down your impressions.

Next time, walk the same route, but now on the first leg of your walk, look for a shape: oval, square, round, triangular, etc. On your way back, look for a texture or material - rough, shiny, brick, plastic – it’s up to you! Write down your thoughts.

(Note: this is a brief exercise that should take no more than 10 minutes per walk. If possible, do the two walks on separate days, or at least separated by several hours.) Sometimes being creative is as simple as seeing with clarity what is right in front of your nose – noticing what others have missed because it is so "obvious."

Reflect on your experiences, then post your reflections here...

Friday, July 4, 2014

Class #2 - Reflections, Insights, Learnings

We had a great class on Tuesday night. We covered a great deal of material, much of which was both thought and emotion provoking.

Please share anything that's been percolating inside you since Tuesday. Our wisdom grows when we share it with each other.

Psyche out the VOJ!

How's it going? You've had a few days now to find ways to quiet, relax, and psyche out the VOJ.

What are you becoming aware of? What does your VOJ say to you? What are the patterns?
How are you discharging it, relaxing it, and quieting it? What's working? What's not?
What does your VOW day when you can hear it?
And, what choices are available with a quiet VOJ?

Share your stories, insights, 'wins', 'fails', all of it. It's all great fodder for learning.